Monday 1 January 2018

winter wonderland

At the mere mention of snow I revert back to being a six year old and start dreaming about tobogganing, building snowmen and curling up by the fire with a hot drink. I was so upset when we missed out on the snow before Christmas, it felt like our little corner of London was the only place missing out on the white stuff. So when we woke up on the 27th December to a smattering of snow, I was so pleased. Whilst home didn't have enough to play in, the surrounding area did. With a trip to Broadway to pick up things from the vets on our agenda, mum and I glad made the journey across into the Cotswolds. 

Though fairly slushy underfoot we still found a pretty picture or two...

My dream house ^^

The Malverns are also a good spot for snow and having finally lured Bella into the back of the car we drove up into the hills for a dog walk. Thank goodness Dad was driving though as the carpark was a slick of ice and though we have a Volvo, this one is clearly designed for dry roads. Thanks to the muscles of friendly passersby, we managed to navigate ourselves out of the ice and further along the hills before the sun slipped away.

The view is always amazing from up here but the sky was especially beautiful this day. I'll let the photos do the talking..

Mum, sporting her best Russian look ^^

I'm not sure we're due anymore snow at the moment seeing as it's so mild out but I'm glad I got to play in some before the year was up! 

Now, you'll have to excuse me whilst I go off and do a little snow dance...


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